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1 Translation result for to overthrow in Spanish


overthrow verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
overthrew, has overthrown, is overthrowing, overthrows
dar la vuelta a, volcar; derrocar, derribar, deponer

Example sentences of
overthrow verb

  • The quarterback overthrew his receiver.

Detailed synonyms for overthrow verb

See: Conquer

Reverse translation for to overthrow

volcar  - to overturn, to tip over, to upset, to knock over, to turn over, to capsize, to empty out, to make dizzy, to cause a change of mind in, to irritate 
derrocar  - to overthrow, to topple 
derribar  - to demolish, to knock down, to shoot down, to bring down (an airplane), to overthrow 
deponer  - to depose, to overthrow, to testify, to make a statement, to abandon (an attitude or stance), to defecate 
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